Praxis Gallery

Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center is a community based arts organization that aims to support the development of emerging and established photographers. Praxis Gallery provides solo and group show exhibition opportunities to local and international media artists.

Praxis Photographic Arts Center offers a range of learning opportunities for beginning, intermediate and professional photographers through workshops and seminars. With an emphasis on creative expression and innovation, Praxis promotes photographic exhibitions and learning opportunities that inform, challenge and engage the individual artist, with an imperative on promoting the work of our artists to local and international audiences.

Praxis Gallery's opportunity listings

  1. Type
    Empty Places – Abandoned Spaces Praxis Gallery

    International Deadline: September 30, 2024 – Praxis Gallery seeks photographic art that explores the visual and social significance of what is left behind. Seventy-four selections for exhibition. Multiple venues…

    MinneapolisMinnesota, United States
    Date Posted
    18 Sep 2024