19 Mar 2025

RFP/Q's Canal Convergence 2025: Showtime

Scottsdale Public Art Scottsdale, Arizona, United States

Canal Convergence

Opportunity Description

International Deadline: April 23, 2025 – Canal Convergence seeks proposals for outdoor, temporary public artworks to be featured in, around, and suspended above the Arizona Canal at the Scottsdale Waterfront in Scottsdale, Arizona. This year’s central theme is “Showtime.”

This call is specifically targeting outdoor, light-based installations. Nighttime presence/activation is required; daytime presence/activation is encouraged.

Canal Convergence will be on view for 10 days, from Nov. 7–16, 2025. Of the final selected artworks (typically between 8 and 15 artworks), one project will be selected to remain installed at the Scottsdale Waterfront for an additional month after the Canal Convergence event dates.

All local, regional, and international artists, artist teams, architects, designers, and multimedia specialists are invited to submit a proposal. International artists who apply must have remote installation as an option for their proposal.

Artwork Considerations for Canal Convergence 2025:
Submissions that follow/incorporate the suggestions below will be given a higher priority in the final selection.

  • Propose an artwork that speaks to the 2025 featured theme, SHOWTIME.
  • Propose art installations that are able to be located in smaller, narrower sections of landscaping without damaging or destroying any plants.
  • Propose a modular art installation that can be installed in a variety of topographies (gravel, grass, inclines, etc.).
  • Present multiple (2 to 3) installations for the event that can be shipped to and from Canal Convergence in the same truck, container, etc.
  • Submit art installation proposals that do not require 24-hour security.

We will accept budgets between $5,000 and $35,000 (USD).


Submit your application: Canal Convergence 2025. Each artist or team may submit up to three ideas or artworks.

Some questions to consider as you craft your proposal concept include the following:

  • What is the cultural significance of performance? What role does it play?
  • How can public art explore the relationship between performers and audience?
  • How has the definition of performing arts changed over time?
  • Is the proposed public artwork performative (an artwork that performs “shows” or displays at set times and for set durations)?
  • Does the proposed artwork invite people (professional performers or the public) to use the artwork as a performance space?
  • Or as an instrument?

Scottsdale Arts presents art as an integral part of the Scottsdale experience, by offering opportunities for residents and visitors to experience the highest quality performing and visual arts the world has to offer, and by identifying emerging artistic talent and providing a place for its expression.

Scottsdale Center For The Performing Arts
Address: 7380 E 2nd St
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Opportunity Categories: + Open to Multi-Media. Opportunity Types: RFP/Q's. Opportunity Tags: $0 Entry/Application Fee, Deadlines 03 March thru April, Open to Artists Worldwide, and Special Opportunities. Benefits: *No Participation Fee, Exhibition - Group, In-Kind Benefit, and Purchase.

Opportunity expires in 36 days.

Apply for this Opportunity