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The Professional Artist Resource, Since 1994
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Access quality and exclusive content on one of the most advanced databases of it’s kind. ArtDeadline.Com receives and publishes more opportunities and event listings per day than any other online or print publication.

The Power of Our Database
Updated hourly, our directory provides an almost unlimited means of viewing, searching, comparing, saving, and notifying. View by category, type, medium, benefit, dates, location radius, filters, tags and keywords. Self-manage capabilities, such as setting personal preferences, auto-notify, smart suggest, bookmarking, posting profile, resumes, and more.

Blue Dot  The Opportunity DB Directory w/ Daily News
The first, the largest, the best. We receive and publish more opportunities and event listings per day than any other online or print publication.

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Blue Dot  Artist Development Directory / Articles
Comprehensive searchable directory of self-help articles, worksheets, event Application aids and references.

Blue Dot  Artist Exhibition & Promotion
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Blue Dot  Opportunity Email News Alerts*
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Blue Dot  Artists2Artists Professional Network
Your own network / gallery website, advanced personal online portfolio [w/promotion]; self-created discussion groups, blogs; live chat; art critique galleries, curator reviews; artwork hosting; more.

Our 30th Anniversary Subscription Rates
Don’t delay, the special discounts expire soon.
All of the above for the low rates shown below:

Blue Dot $14.00 – 1 Year Educator + Student Subscription. (.edu email required)
Blue Dot $18.00 – 1 Year Premium Emerging + Pro Artist Subscription. (Save $6.00!)
Blue Dot $28.00 – 2 Year Premium Emerging + Pro Artist Subscription. (Save $20.00!)

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* The ‘Opportunity Email Alerts’ are not part of the subscription but is provided as courtesy, and as such, is subject to modification without notice. You can unsubscribe to such at anytime.