Grants Grand Prix Images Vevey & Book Award 2025/26

Opportunity Description
International Deadline: February 25, 2025 – Organised every two years and open to artists and photographers from all over the world, the Grand Prix Images Vevey is one of the oldest and most prestigious photography prizes in Europe. A real grant to support creation, this prize of around CHF 40,000 allows an artist to produce a new photographic project in one year and then present it at the Biennale Images Vevey. It is also an opportunity to present the Prix du Livre Images Vevey and various mentions equivalent to a total amount of more than CHF 100,000 in support for creation.
Grand Prix Images Vevey
The international photography award Grand Prix Images Vevey, worth 40,000 CHF is one of the largest and longest-standing prizes in Europe and attracts participants from all over the world for each competition. Winning projects are then exhibited at the Biennale Images Vevey the following year.
Images Vevey Book Award
The Images Vevey Book Award is a grant that supports the creation of a book project which showcases an optimal and original balance between publication format and photographic content. It provides a financial contribution that aims to encourage artists to take risks and to innovate, in order for them to develop a suitable sophisticated publication format for their photography project.
Established purely for public benefit, the Fondation Vevey ville d’images contributes to the promotion and cultural development of the region in the field of visual arts, through the valorisation of the concept of ‘Vevey town of images’.
The Foundation has four main activities, which it finances and develops over a two-year period: the Images Vevey Biennial, the Grand Prix Images Vevey, L’Appartement – Espace Images Vevey and Editions Images Vevey. The Fondation Vevey ville d’images brings together all its operational activities under a single entity and brand, Images Vevey.
Images Vevey
Place de la Gare 3
T. +41 (0)21 922 48 54