ArtDeadline.Com Reader Statistics

Listed with ArtDeadline.Com

Since 1994 – The ArtDeadline.Com service was the first of it’s kind on the internet, and remains the leader in providing quality income and exhibition news for the serious artist. We believe we are the largest and most read source for this type of news in the world.

ArtDeadline.Com is not simply the website that you are now on, it is a network that spans many other proprietary websites, subscription based local, national and international newsletters and magazines; internet based art and artist publications for the professional community; syndicated art news networks, career resources for art schools and universities, social networks, and other artist advocacy services.

ArtDeadline.Com receives and publishes more opportunities and event listings per day than any other service. With millions of North American and international views across our network of print and online properties, publishing your news with us is by far the best way to reach your specific target audience.

Please see below:

Please note that we are a complex network of both proprietary and statistically independent websites, services, institutions, and news outlets. Thus the data displayed below in some instances is a best estimate and may not indicate the complete scope of performance, the data of which we believe may be grossly underestimated.

Proprietary Opportunity News Channels (ArtDeadline.Com, Newsletters, more):
bluedot2  Daily
– Up to 1,388,923
| Views | Pages – Up to 940,209

Syndicated news:
Blue Dot  Affiliate hosts/views & referring websites/domains – Up to 126,025
Blue Dot  RSS | Search engine displays – Up to 100,048

Social Networks
Blue Dot  X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram,, Threads, etc – 28,360+ (significant daily growth)*
* Please note: these are real people, not phony ghost followers that many sites purchase from spam services to make it appear that they have a large following.
* This does not include Individualized Facebook™ Ad Network Distribution views!

3rd Party Intranet Displays
Blue Dot  
Art Organizations, Public and Private Institutions, Art Schools and Universities closed intra-network views – Up to 61,477 (best estimate)

3rd Party Publications (Significant)
Blue Dot  
The ArtDeadline.Com service is a primary source for major publications, e.g., art magazines, art associations, art institutions, art schools newsletters, and online news services and websites. Publishing your news with us may result in your announcement being propagated across an international community of online and print publications.



Readers include:
Blue Dot  
Professional artists across all media
Blue Dot  Art students and teachers
Blue Dot  Art Colleges & Universities
Blue Dot  Art Associations & Societies
Blue Dot  Art Museums
Blue Dot  Fine Art Galleries
Blue Dot  Private & Public Agencies
Blue Dot  Foundations and other Grantmaking Organizations
Blue Dot  Art Market Professionals
Blue Dot  Patrons of the Arts
Blue Dot  Second Party Internet and Print Magazine Readerships

Blue Dot  Female: 57%
18 to 29 yrs old: 22%
30 to 40 yrs old: 25%
41 to 51 yrs old: 28%
52 yrs old plus: 25%

Blue Dot  Male: 43%
18 to 29 yrs old: 24%
30 to 40 yrs old: 26%
41 to 51 yrs old: 25%
52 yrs old plus: 25%

Art Education:
Blue Dot  Self-taught: 15%
Blue Dot  Some Art College: 22%
Blue Dot  Art College Degree: 63%

Requests for News Originating From:

Blue Dot  Americas: 76%
N. America: 88%
S. America: 12%

Blue Dot  International: 24%
Africa: 15%
Asia: 23%
Europe: 46%
Oceania: 16%

A five year long survey of our subscribers reveal the following details as ranked (1. being the most important):

Ranked Factors about an event that contributes to an artist decision to enter:
(1) Sponsoring Organization reputation
(2) Quality of Jury/Curators
(3) Cost of Participation
(4) Quality of Exhibition Space
(5) Simplicity of Prospectus / Application Procedure
(6) Sponsoring Organization Provides Support Contacts

Ranked Artist preferred benefits for participating / entering:
(1) Potential for Gallery / Art Representation
(2) Resume Experience / Reputation Development
(3) Potential Number of Viewers / Exposure
(4) Potential for Artwork Sales
(5) Monetary Awards or Grants
(6) Networking with Artists and Art Market Professionals


** The above information is based on paid High Impact Ad placements with network accesses. Estimates vary from day to day, we do not guarantee indicated hits and views per individual announcements as many factors are outside of our control, such as quality of provided ad copy and Prospectus documents; quality and relevancy of the individual event; network accessibility; reader interest; sponsor website quality and function; affiliate and second party interest and distribution, etc.  See Advertising Terms of Use when ordering.