3 Square Art

3 Square Art’s Fine Art Gallery is a fine art gallery in Northern Colorado. The beautiful space and high ceilings provide the perfect venue for varying sizes of works and installations. The gallery is focused on the “S” component of CSL (Creating, Sharing, Learning) or Sharing and will feature exhibits from national and international artists. 3 Square Art’s ongoing exhibits feature themed topics to push the boundaries and business of art as well as to have fun and connect with others.

3 Square Art's opportunity listings

  1. Type
    Masters of Light: Plein Air 24, Inaugural Juried Exhibition 3 Square Art

    International Deadline: July 29, 2024 (extended)- 3 Square Art Gallery announces a prestigious juried exhibition dedicated to the art of plein air painting. This exhibit celebrates light, nature, and artistic excellence…

    Fort CollinsColorado, United States
    Date Posted
    23 Jul 2024