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About Us: The Original and Leader: ArtDeadline.Com was the art world’s first service of it’s kind on the internet, and continues to be the largest and most respected source for artist’s seeking income and exhibition opportunities. We receive and publish more opportunities and event listings per day than any other online or print publication. Thank you for your continued support!
Since 1994 ArtDeadine.Com and the Access Arts® Network has been dedicated to the world wide distribution of information for artists and contemporary art institutions. Our publications span subscription based local, national and international newsletters and magazines; internet based art and artist publications for the professional community; art news networks, and other artist advocacy and promotion services.
Mission: Access Arts® believes that the arts is an important and innate part of the human experience, it enriches our personal life, and the life of our communities. Without “art”, without an avenue to express our most basic needs and share in it’s community, we cannot fully develop as a person nor as a culture. Insofar that barriers and exclusion from such experiences exist as a result of prejudice, economic factors, environmental and/or behavioral conditions, we feel a special responsibility as a member of the art community to provide support for initiatives that “makes the arts accessible for all”
Founded by a former Executive Director of an affiliate of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and Director of Goodwill Industries, Access Arts’ mission also serves to promote accessibility to the arts through support of programs providing free education for economically disadvantage and special need populations.