Category: Studio & Portfolio

California Society of Printmakers Glossary

The California Society of Printmakers (CSP) is a nonprofit arts organization which promotes the practice and appreciation of fine art contemporary printmaking. Our mission is to support both the integrity of traditional printmaking and provide a home for artists exploring new directions in contemporary print methods. Please see our compressive Glossary. The CSP provides support

How to Layer in Watercolours

So many artists want to know how to layer in watercolours without creating mud. Layering in watercolour is often considered very difficult. The main problem occurs when the initial layers of colour are disturbed and mix with subsequent layers. This can be hugely frustrating. You might be put off the technique if things go wrong

How to Draw & Paint Trees & Leaves

Tips and techniques for how to draw and paint botanically correct trees and leaves. Drawing and watercolour painting instruction includes step by step demonstrations, videos and books. Visit the Botanical Art & Artists website here

Writing an Artist Statement

When it comes to writing an artist’s statement, there are no simple formulas. Artists’ statements vary in length, form, and substance. Depending on the situation that prompted your need to write, you may have to take all or most of the following elements into account: your audience, your purpose or motive, the materials and medium

Letters: Artist Statement Generator

500 Letters is an online artist statement generator. The fact that a random system can so accurately mimic artist statements is a fun and even educational tool in helping artists develop personal statements. It’s fun… Visit 500 Letters Artist Statement Generator. Author: Jasper Rigole