Tag: Art Careers

Marketing Your Art

A professional artist’s success is in direct correlation to finding the right markets for his artwork. The million dollar question is ”Where can I market my art and get the most out of my efforts?” First, determine if you are really serious about selling what you make. Selling is what separates the amateur artist from

Grant Proposal Writing Tips

In the whole process of applying for a grant, your initial steps will probably be the most time-consuming, but also the most important, part. If done well, your preparatory work will simplify the writing stage. 1. Define your project Clarify the purpose of your project and write a concise mission statement. Define the scope of

How Do I Price my Work?

The delicate process of deciding how much to charge for your artwork is a struggle for most artists. The tug of war between the need to have your work recognized for its worth and the need to make it accessible to collectors is a difficult balance to strike. There are some common sense guidelines to

What Are Art Rental Programs?

An art rental program provides a means of making an income and gaining public exposure of your work that may have otherwise been collecting dust in your studio. A professional art rental program can be administered by a local art gallery, art association, state agency or foundation, or even an independent organization solely created for