Tag: Sales

Marketing Your Art

A professional artist’s success is in direct correlation to finding the right markets for his artwork. The million dollar question is ”Where can I market my art and get the most out of my efforts?” First, determine if you are really serious about selling what you make. Selling is what separates the amateur artist from

How To Price Artwork So It Actually Sells

Learning how to price artwork is really challenging for lots of artists. If you’re finding yourself struggling with where to start and wondering how to price your art in a way that is fair, represents your effort, and will actually sell, you’ll find this guide super-helpful! Visit Website to Read Article Also see ArtDeadline.Com’s Art

How to Sell at Craft Fairs and Shows

For homebased artists and craftsmen, selling at fairs and shows provides an opportunity to ring up sales and find new customers at little cost and no overhead. Typically, shows charge just a few hundred dollars for a booth and allow artists to enjoy big markups on the work they create–profits they don’t have to share

Quantifying Creativity

Pricing your art is different from making art; it’s something you do with your art after it’s made, when it’s ready to leave your studio and get sold either by you personally or through a gallery, at an art fair, online, at open studios, through an agent or representative, wherever. Making art is about the