25 Sep 2024

RFP/Q's Price Sculpture Forest Exhibition Opportunity

Price Sculpture Forest Coupeville, Washington, United States

Price Sculpture Forest

Opportunity Description

International Deadline: Ongoing – There are many opportunities to exhibit your art at Price Sculpture Forest. We encourage your participation. The park will provide you with excellent public exposure in a beautiful setting. We offer early phase participants 100% of your sales proceeds with no commission, to encourage inclusion of your best work and to support you as an artist. We are also offering early participants the opportunity to personally choose the best locations within the park where you would best like to present your sculpture to the public. Marketing of you and your work will be provided. And there is no jury entry fee. Check out the opportunities and submission guidelines below.


The Sculpture Forest initially has two specific themes and some other guidelines which perform best in our jurying process. Possible future rotating shows will be more open ended. Each of the two overarching sculptural themes has its own devoted walking trail loop.

Representation of beauty in forms of natural elements, animals, plants, ecosystems, and human interaction with the non‐civilized world. Preference is for uplifting, positive messages and experiences (or neutral ones), though we will occasionally consider works that poetically evoke the dangers and implications of environmental degradation. Sculptures should be at home in a native forest setting.

Bring on the fun! This section of the park is devoted to releasing a sense of discovery and enjoyment through sculpture. What will appear around the next turn of the trail? Will it make the grandparents laugh? Will it make the kids say “that’s really cool”? Is it unusual or beguiling in a relatable way? Is it fantastical or well outside the norm? These are all worthy ideas for Whimsy Way.

Clearing path at Price Sculpture Forest park in Coupeville on Whidbey Island

In Nature Nurtured, there is a general preference for stone, metals, and bio‐natural materials (wood, shells, antlers, etc.). In Whimsy Way, all materials, colors, and approaches are open ended. Sculptures should be sturdy to handle potentially appreciative hands and to hold up well in an outdoor year-round environment.

View looking northeast across property to Saratoga Passage from Price Sculpture Forest park in Coupeville on Whidbey Island

Sculpture can be for sale, not for sale, donated to the park’s permanent collection (your generosity will be publicly recognized on an associated plaque and this web site), or on long term loan to the park (your generosity will also be recognized).

If needed, smaller ground‐based sculptures should ideally be on pedestals and securable to prevent removal or toppling over if someone leans on it. We can also provide assistance with some types of plinths or bases. We are also open to hanging aerial sculpture on or between trees if it does not hurt the tree.

We encourage proposals from you to be featured at Price Sculpture Forest.

The submission requirements are quite simple, and there is no submission fee. Just email the following information to Contact@SculptureForest.org:

  1. Your name, email address, phone number, and web site (if you have one).
  2. Photo(s) of sculpture, ideally from multiple angles.
  3. Title of sculpture.
  4. Materials.
  5. Overall dimensions.
  6. Status of sculpture (for sale / price; not for sale; donate to park’s permanent collection; long term loan to park).
  7. Brief explanation of why you believe your sculpture is a strong match for the Sculpture Forest. This can be just a few sentences, or whatever feels right in communicating the message and applicability of your work.
  8. Note that you saw this announcement on “ArtDeadline.Com”.

Term: All sculptures should reside at the park for a minimum of 2 years, unless it is for sale and sold before then.

Installation and Removal: You (or your designee) will provide onsite sturdy installation of your sculpture on a mutually agreed date after advance coordination of details with the park. We can provide you customized concrete footers with advance coordination. You are responsible for removal coordination and logistics.

Marketing: You will be asked to provide certain content and inputs that we can build upon to raise public awareness about you and your sculpture.

More details: We can provide you with all of the written agreement details upon request or upon sculpture acceptance.

Price Sculpture Forest was created from a convergence of many events, interests, and partnerships over years of planning, effort, and implementation. This community park is being created in Coupeville on beautiful Whidbey Island.

The Sculpture Forest will provide the community and tourists with a healthy, relaxing, informative, and fun experience that integrates nature with art. Artists will be provided a respected and frictionless venue to display their craft for interested visitors and patrons. The park will eventually become self-sustaining as an integrated participant within the larger Whidbey Island arts and parks community.

Opportunity Categories: Sculpture Only. Opportunity Types: RFP/Q's. Opportunity Tags: $0 Entry/Application Fee, Deadlines 01 Jan thru Feb, Deadlines 03 March thru April, Deadlines 05 May thru June, Deadlines 07 July thru Aug, Deadlines 09 Sept thru Oct, Deadlines 11 Nov thru Dec, Deadlines Ongoing and Recurring, and Open to Artists Worldwide. Benefits: *No Participation Fee, Exhibition - Group, In-Kind Benefit, and Sales.

Opportunity expires in 85 days.

Apply for this Opportunity