RFP/Q's City of New York’ Percent for Art Directory

Opportunity Description
International Deadline: Ongoing – The City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art Program makes art accessible and visible throughout our city, one of the world’s cultural capitals. Public art serves as an expression of the community, as well as a landmark. These public sites provide an important venue for all New Yorkers and visitors to appreciate artwork outside the traditional museum or gallery setting. Percent for Art projects are site-specific and engage a variety of media—painting, mosaic, glass, textiles, sculpture, and works that are integrated into infrastructure, or architecture. The Program commissions artists of all races and backgrounds that reflect the diversity of New York City. These projects demonstrate how art that is integrated into its site enhances civic architecture and a wide range of public spaces.
The Percent for Art Artist Directory is a product of the New York City Department of Cultural (DCLA) Affairs Percent for Art Program. Since 1982, the Percent for Art Program has been commissioning permanent public artworks on City property as mandated by the Percent for Art Law.
What we do
The Percent for Art Artist Directory is a portal that connects established and emerging, local and international artists to audiences who wish to connect with artists.
How is the Directory used?
The Directory is used by anyone who is interested in working with artists on commissions, exhibitions, collaborations or collections. The NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) Percent for Art Program, the School Construction Authority (SCA) Public Art for Public Schools (PAPS) Program and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Art & Design Program uses the Directory on a regular basis to research artists during the commissioning process. Keeping your profile up to date ensures that you will be considered for upcoming public art opportunities.