8 Aug 2024

Compete The 15th Annual Manifest Prize

Manifest Creative Research Gallery Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Manifest Creative Research Gallery

Opportunity Description

International Deadline: October 1, 2024 –The Cincinnati based non-profit arts organization and gallery, Manifest, invites artists to submit original works of any media, genre/style and size for our 15th Annual Manifest Prize. This is an international competition and exhibit featuring one prize-winning jury selected work, including a $5,000 cash award. $1,000 in additional awards to finalists.

On display December 12, 2024 – January 10, 2025

THE MANIFEST PRIZE is open to everyone. The only limitation is that entries must represent original works of visual art, design, or high craftsmanship of any kind and be available and capable of being exhibited in one of Manifest’s five galleries.  Works submitted for this award must have been completed within the past five years (since 2019).

One work will be selected for the $5,000 award, featured in the gallery, and published. In addition, four finalists will receive $250 in recognition of their accomplishment and formally documented in the Manifest Exhibition Annual publication … see more.

Manifest Press will produce a high quality hard-cover retrospective publication documenting each entire season of exhibits, artists, and works shown. This continues Manifest’s commitment to long-term documentation and dissemination of our projects, and the expansion of physical exhibits into a broader geography and time frame, while also bringing all exhibits together under one cover each year to create a better product which will be more valuable to the public, teachers, libraries, and exhibiting artists.

$60 for up to five entries submitted. $5 per each additional entry.

Visit Manifest Gallery online to Apply. Notifications sent by November 4th to all entrants by the end of this day.

All work, unless indicated as not for sale (NFS), will be available for sale during exhibit. Manifest Gallery will retain a commission of 30% of the sale price on artwork sold during the exhibition.

Works will be insured while on gallery premises. Insurance covers theft, vandalism, damage caused by gallery patrons or staff.

Visit Manifest Gallery online for complete details and to Apply.

Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization located in East Walnut Hills in Cincinnati, Ohio. We serve as a venue for the display and experience of insightful, thought provoking art and design, and functions as a hub for creative research and innovation at all levels of artistic endeavor.

Manifest Gallery
2727 Woodburn Avenue
East Walnut Hills
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206

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Opportunity Categories: + Open to All Media. Opportunity Types: Compete. Opportunity Tags: Deadlines 09 Sept thru Oct, Open to Artists Worldwide, and Special Opportunities. Benefits: Cash or Value Awards, Exhibition - Group, Exhibition - Solo, In-Kind Benefit, and Publication.

Opportunity expires in 18 days.

Apply for this Opportunity