Residency 2023 Funded Changing Climate Residency

Opportunity Description
International Deadline: April 10, 2022 – The 2023 International Thematic Residency, Changing Climate, addresses the most critical issue of our time. For the Changing Climate Open Call, the Santa Fe Art Institute seeks to support artistic exploration, creative activism, and community art actions related to global warming that inspire individual transformation and inform collective action.
Do we believe we can curb carbon impacts or even reverse the current carbon trajectory and subsequent climate devastation?
The goal to stay under 1.5 degree increase is a global mandate that is dependent on collective social, corporate and political responsibilities and actions that will impact all life on our planet. This question also touches on all of SFAI’s prior thematic investigations: food security, migration and displacement, water rights and drought, equal justice, historical truth and contemporary reckoning, labor and the nature of work, revolutionary thinking and the need for radical, systemic change.
Applicants must be 25 years or older. SFAI accepts applications from Individuals, Collaborations, and Families. Our International Thematic Residency Program is open to all artistic disciplines.
SFAI encourages proposals from artists, activists, culture bearers, and creative practitioners whose work aligns with the theme through the lens of radical connection.
We seek artists and activists with proposed focus on research, artworks, and creative actions that:
- Connect human health with environmental and planetary health, and increase emotional resilience and adaptation to a quickly changing earth;
- Help to imagine social, cultural, economic, and technological futures that reduce or eliminate reliance on fossil fuels and are conjoined with human rights and the rights of all species; and
- Support Indigenous, traditional, and local land stewardship and sovereignty in solidarity with human and non-human kin, as a means toward carbon capture and community building.
SFAI offers residencies from a minimum of 1 month to a maximum of 3 months. We do not host residencies in April, August, and December. Residency months do not have to be consecutive (e.g., applicants may elect to come for a month in the spring and then return for another month in the fall).
The Family Residency is offered for just one month, in July only. If you are not a parent-artist/legal guardian of a child, you are not eligible for this program. Please note, we do not allow partners/spouses or children to accompany residents during any other month.
Please note the monthly residencies do not start and stop on the first and last days of the month. The exact start and end dates for the 2023 Changing Climate residency are as follows:
- January: January 9 – February 3
- February: February 6 – March 3
- March: March 6-31
- April: No residency
- May: May 1-26
- June: June 5-30
- August: No residency
- September: August 28-September 22
- October: September 25-October 20
- November: October 23-November 17
- December: No residency
All of our residencies are free-of-charge, apart from the $10 application fee. We also require a refundable $150 security deposit. Residents are responsible for the cost of travel to / from and during their stay at SFAI.
APPLY ONLINE – $10 Application
Visit us for complete details and to Apply.
The Santa Fe Art Institute is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3), cultural organization.
SFAI is an arts organization forging critical inquiry and cultural exchange among artists, creative practitioners, and the broader community. We support and amplify dynamic artistic practices that engage complex social issues, inspire individual transformation, and inform collective action.
Santa Fe Art Institute
1600 St. Michaels Drive #31
Santa Fe, NM 87505