Grants 2024 XENO Prize for Artists’ Books

Opportunity Description
U.S. Multi-State Deadline: July 1, 2024 – Franklin Furnace is currently offering two grant opportunities open to artists residing in states: MT, UT, ID, AZ, ND, SD, NE, OK, TX, IA, MO, AR, LA, IN, KY, TN, MS, AL, GA, FL, NC, WV.
Franklin Furnace’s mission is to present, preserve, interpret, proselytize and advocate on behalf of avant-garde art, especially forms that may be vulnerable due to institutional neglect, cultural bias, their ephemeral nature, or politically unpopular content. Franklin Furnace is dedicated to serving artists by providing both physical and virtual venues for the presentation of time-based art, including but not limited to artists’ books and periodicals, installation art, performance art, and unforeseen contemporary avant-garde artforms; and to undertake other activities related to these purposes. Franklin Furnace is committed to serving emerging artists; to assuming an aggressive pedagogical stance with regard to the value of avant-garde art to life; and to fostering artists’ zeal to broadcast ideas.
2024 XENO Prize for Artists’ Books
Deadline July 1, 2024
In pursuit of its mission to present, preserve, interpret, educate and advocate on behalf of avant-garde art, especially forms that may be vulnerable due to institutional neglect, cultural bias, their ephemeral nature, or politically unpopular content, the 2024 XENO Prize for Performance Art and Artists’ Books, named in honor of xenophiles, people who appreciate all people and cultures.
The XENO PRIZE for Artists’ Books will be selected from submissions to a Call for Proposals issued March 1 2024, to receive $5000 to publish one artist’s book on the topic of book banning/burning in an edition of at least 100 copies.
Independent artist jurors will make the selections and both awards will be announced in September 2024.
Visit us for details and to apply.
Franklin Furnace
Pratt Institute
200 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11205