21 May 2024

Grants Alex J. Ettl Grant

National Sculpture Society New York, NY, United States

National Sculpture Society

Opportunity Description

U.S. National Deadline: October 7, 2024 – The Alex J. Ettl Grant is a prize of $5,000 sponsored by the National Sculpture Society.

It is awarded annually to a figurative or realist sculptor who has demonstrated a commitment to sculpting and outstanding ability in his/her/their body of work. The Ettl Grant is for a mature body of work; sculpture created in workshop or instructional settings should not be submitted.

The jury will consist of three prominent sculptors.

The grant will be awarded in June 2025.

Applicants cannot be elected members of the National Sculpture Society. All applicants must be citizens of or residents in the United States with a social security number.

NSS welcomes applications from all sculptors regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status, education or disability.

Next submission opportunity in June 2024.

National Sculpture Society (NSS) promotes excellence in sculpture that is inspired by the natural world. Programs include Sculpture Review magazine, the SculptureNews e-bulletin, scholarships, grants, exhibitions and competitions. Our Sculpture Celebration Conference features programs such as panel discussions, demonstrations, information sessions, studio tours, and awards presentations. These educational programs are just a few of the ways NSS serves as a link between the public, sculptors, educators, and collectors.

National Sculpture Society
6 E 39th St Ste 903
New York, NY 10016


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Opportunity Categories: Sculpture Only. Opportunity Types: Grants. Opportunity Tags: $0 Entry/Application Fee, Deadlines 09 Sept thru Oct, and Open to U.S. Artists Only. Benefits: *No Participation Fee, Cash or Value Awards, and In-Kind Benefit.

Opportunity expires in 24 days.

Apply for this Opportunity