21 May 2024

Grants Barbara Deming Memorial Fund: Money for Women

Barbara Deming Memorial Fund Bearsville, New York, United States

Barbara Deming Memorial Fund

Opportunity Description

International Deadline: January 31, 2025 – The Fund makes small artist support grants ( $500 – $1500 ) to individual feminist women in the arts who are citizens with primary residence in the U.S and Canada.

We welcome Applications from artists and writers who:

  • Exhibit high quality and originality in their work.
  • Identify themselves as living in a woman’s body
  • Use feminism as their central interpretive lens
  • Value both personal and political changes that stand against the limitations and controls exerted against women and aim at optimum freedom and agency for women
  • Validate differences that overlap with gender such as race, ethnicity and class
  • Express an inclusive vision of social justice while focusing on justice for women

Funding projects which you have begun or are well underway, and for which you have substantial work to show.

Film, video, theatre, dance, music, or performance projects. Scripts and musical compositions are also not eligible. We do not award work which is or will be self-published. We do not give loans or provide money for educational assistance, work on dissertations, or research (except research to be used in writing a book). We do not provide funds for the cost of editing services, business projects, or emergency money for people in need. We rarely give money to groups.


  • January 1 – January 31, 2025, for Nonfiction and Poetry.

Applicants will be notified about grant decisions approximately five months after the deadline date.

These applications have a $25 fee. To request a waiver, contact the grants administrator at demingfund@gmail.com during the open submission period.

Barbara Deming (1917-1984) was a feminist, lesbian, poet, writer and nonviolent activist in the civil rights, anti-war and women’s movements. She founded the Money for Women Fund in 1975 to give financial and moral support to creative women.

Money for Women is the oldest ongoing feminist granting agency.

Money for Women
Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Inc.
PO Box 717
Bearsville, NY 12409

Opportunity Categories: + Open to Multi-Media. Opportunity Types: Grants. Opportunity Tags: Deadlines 01 Jan thru Feb, Deadlines Ongoing and Recurring, and Open to Artists Worldwide. Benefits: Cash or Value Awards.

Opportunity expires in 7 days.

Apply for this Opportunity