Compete The Four Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Opportunity Description
U.S. National Deadline: February 27, 2025 – The MVA Gallery (Modern Visual Arts) invites artists, photographers and sculptors of all levels (emerging to established) to submit original artwork to this exhibition.
From ancient cultures to modern societies, The Four Elements — Earth, Air, Fire, Water — have provided various explanations about aspects of the material world, the forces of energy, and the attributes of human nature. The Four Elements had a profound influence on science, philosophy, religion, and medicine.
This exhibition theme creates opportunities for artists to explore a vast universe of imagery on a practical, symbolic, spiritual, psychological, or aesthetic level. Subject matter can range from commonplace to spectacular. Your art — whether lyrical or bold, colorful or muted, representational or abstract — can reveal the compelling concepts of The Four Elements.
Do you have images showing — in part or in whole –EARTH (landscapes, gardens, animals, cityscapes), AIR (sky, sunsets, rainbows, birds, hot air balloons), FIRE (burning forests, buildings, bonfires, fireplaces), WATER (rivers, oceans, storms, swimming, baptisms, waterfalls). Individuals and structures may be included.
Exhibition Dates: April 10 – May 10, 2025.
This is a National Call for Entries inviting artists, photographers and sculptors from all regions and states. Artists must be 18 years of age or older and current residents of the United States. Any style and subject matter is welcome. You have limitless freedom! We are excited to see your personal interpretations and visions. The MVA Gallery accepts painting, watercolor, printmaking, mixed media, digital, pastel, encaustic, sculpture, fiber, drawing and photography.
Art of Distinction Award will be granted at most exhibitions. One artist, photographer or sculptor will be selected and featured in a special exhibit at the MVA Gallery, Exhibition Room 2, to be scheduled at a future date.
One New York City Exhibition: One artist, photographer or sculptor will be selected from all the individuals who were accepted and displayed in an MVA Gallery exhibit during the past calendar year. This artist will be offered an exhibition opportunity in New York City and will be notified in December.
Director’s Choice Award – $200 one optional award may be granted at the discretion of the Executive Director of the MVA Gallery.
Entry fee is $35.00. You may include additional files for $5.00 each up to a total of 9 maximum.
Visit us for complete details and easy online application.
Notification on or about March 8, 2025 (Midnight). Artists will receive separate email messages for “Invited” and “Not Invited” artwork entries.
All accepted artwork must arrive at the Gallery no later than March 4, 2025.
Artists can determine whether they wish to sell their artwork. For sales, the artist must list a specific price and not indicate “Upon Request.”
Commission Fees:
70% of the final sale price to the Artist.
30% of the final sale price to the Gallery.
The MVA Gallery (Modern Visual Arts) is located in historic Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Bethlehem, along with its neighboring cities Allentown and Easton, comprise the third largest metropolitan area in Pennsylvania (after Philadelphia and Pittsburgh). Bethlehem has a vibrant arts and cultural life — numerous active art galleries and nationally acclaimed festivals that attract tens of thousands of visitors each year. Located one hour from New York City, Bethlehem has become an art destination for informed collectors and prominent art professionals.
MVA Gallery
35 E. Elizabeth Avenue, Suite 35
Bethlehem, PA 18018